A Prayer for Hope for My Husband

Lord Jesus, today I ask you to re-fuel my husband’s hope. So much has happened, and just when the good starts coming, we hear of this happening to a loved one and this financial hope going sideways. This problem and that problem.

There’s the stress of staying on top of it all, making things happen, being everything to everyone. I wrongfully expect him to always have a good attitude while he’s at it. To be stern, but not too stern. To keep up with it all, but ready any moment to be fun-dad. Why do I put those expectations on him? We live in an, oh yes, there was that good thing, but no time to relish in Your goodness because the next thing needs attention stat.

Father, I pray that you would allow him to release all the stresses to you. Surround him with the peace that only you can give. Help him to do his best and rest in the fact that that is all he can do. Continue to firmly plant the truth that You hold everything together and that you are working all things together for his good.

You’re doing that because he loves You. Thank you that he loves you. Thank you for his work ethic. Thank you for the way he has a soft heart towards me. Thank you for the way he sees the needs of our kids and acts accordingly. Thank you for making him strong.

Thank you for being in control of it all. Thank you that we can have eternal hope. That eternal hope gives us comfort for today and hope for tomorrow. You are good. Please bless the work of his hands and overtake his heart with all of You.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.