Prayer for the Exhausted Mom

Join me in this prayer for the exhausted mom. May your heart embrace you coming before our Lord and be rejuvenated in Him.

Lord of Peace I come before you asking for strength and quiet for this exhausted mom. Quiet. That’s funny. Ya, right! But you know that what I mean is to please quiet my heart.

It’s so easy to just give in, overlook behavior that needs addressed. I’m tired. I was doing good at this whole mother thing the last sixteen times I’ve addressed the issues just in the last hour. I hate to say it, but often the same issue. Help me to be mindful enough to recognize it’s the same issue partly because I’m not handling it properly or with the attention it deserves. Once I recognize it, please give me strength to do what I need to do. Show me what to do, Father. Help me get to the heart of the issues.

Place on my heart the importance of training these children, even in the small things: Especially the small things. Even when I am frankly, sick of it. Remind me to take my job seriously. I need help in keeping my focus where it needs to be.

Even as I am in prayer, I can see something needs attention. Gracious…Shouldn’t they know the right ways by now? After all, I’ve been teaching them these same principles for years.

Ok, God, I hear you. How often am I the same way with You? Oh, this reality makes my heart ache. I’m sorry for that, Lord.

These children are one of the absolute, very best blessings and joys of my life. Thank you for them. Thank you for being here and how just talking to you already brings the calm and quiet I so desire. They are worth the work. Not to mention when I am parenting from your strength, I know I’ll do a better job. I want to finish well with this. I want to bring honor to you in how I parent.

Thank you for your strength, guidance, quiet in the chaos, and never quitting on me when I am a disobedient child. I know I can be exhausting.

I love you.

~In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Looking for ways to encourage your fellow exhausted mothers, try this from Brittany’s Dayspring Ambassador store.