Priorities, Part 2: Husbands

As the head of the home, men, we’ll start with you.

How should priorities as the husband look? It wouldn’t make sense for me, Brittany, to tell you what a husband should think about priorities. I mean, honestly, I am tempted to, and then definitely ask Mark to read the blog and hope he gets some hints. Just kidding. A little bit.

However, in order for this to actually encourage other husbands, I asked Mark what he thinks on the subject. Read on to hear what he had to say.

This blog is going to be relatively short and to the point. Mark was very clear and concise, so here we go:

  1. Love your wife
  2. Teach and train your children
  3. Provide and protect

He would’ve ended there, but naturally I asked him to expound.

What do you mean, “Love your wife”?

Answer, “Love her, and make her feel your love.”

That is such a simple, yet incredibly profound statement. As his wife, I’ve got to tell you, I felt his love in that statement. It’s the simple things Mark does like plugging in the pickup on ice cold days. Not only that, however, he also reminds me to unplug it. Offering to finish the dishes especially when he can see it’s been a long day. Holds my hand in the car, at church, ect. Asks me to go check cows with him simply so we can be together. Listens to me ramble on and on and on. Basically, he makes me feel important to him, and I LOVE IT!

What do you mean, “Teach and train your children”?

Answer, “Spiritually and morally.”

He’s a man of many words, as you can tell. Not only that, but more things are caught than taught. What are your children seeing? Are you being the man you want your boys to grow up and be? Would you be happy if your daughters married a man just like you? Does the wife lead the family, or does the husband like it should be? You don’t need many words when your actions should be self-explanatory.

What do you mean, “Provide and protect?”

Answer, “Provide them not only with their needs, but also opportunities to experience and learn.” Create times for them to push themselves, learn about themselves, see God.

We also want our children to know how to defend themselves through self-defense. (Ps…If you live near Billings, MT, check out this incredible martial arts school. The very best!) They need to be prepared for whatever they might encounter. The more they grow, the more evident it is that they need to be fully equipped to make it out there on their own on a day coming sooner than it seems.

Check out this blog on ways for men to cherish their wives

Back to Priorities as the Husband

When putting all this through the eyes of priorities, it seems like just three bullet points, and you’ll be set. However, we all know it’s not that easy. Life’s demands outside the home, bills to pay, commitments, even good ones, ect. are in constant competition to where a man’s heart ought to be.

Sadly, it is quite rare for the husband to be overly involved. Rather they are viewed as the bread winners and ultimate disciplinarian when needed. We want to urge our readers to not just stop there. Truly engage. Be present. Put the phone down. Don’t put your passions above your family. Help our your wife. Lead them in prayer. Guide them. You’re so much more than the financial provider, and your family needs you!

We’ve got once chance at this. Not to mention the years go by so quickly. Don’t miss them or mess it up because you aren’t prioritizing your life the best way possible.